MapTrek alpha stage ended

 Картография  maptrek trekarta

I do not use landscape orientation in everyday life. That's why it is hard to come up with the proper layout. But after I make a decision that all panels will be mostly the same but will cling to the right edge further development was straightforward. For me the result looks great, I even want to try to use it for a while.

Meanwhile I have added automatic night mode (will be available only in paid version), fixed track drawing (now gaps are correctly shown), and greatly improved UI of coordinates sharing.

All essential functionality is now ready. It means that alpha testing stage is ending. Starting from the next build it will be closed and beta stage will begin. There are many issues left behind in a hurry. Some of them are fully internal, some will enhance the UI.

I am still fully unsatisfied with the current state of maps. That's why I am investigating in background the possibility to provide my own maps. Depending on its result public release may be delayed. Anyway I want to publish this summer, before my vacation in September.
